Every day, our brains are flooded with thousands of messages.
Most of them pass us by without a second thought.
The ones that stick are the ones we think will help us survive and thrive. But even messages we deem valuable can get lost in the noise.
One of the main reasons we forget what we see, read, and hear, is because it’s too complicated.
This doesn’t mean we’re stupid. It’s just a reality of living in a world where our devices chirp at us constantly and we can’t drive a mile down the road without catching a glimpse of a billboard or marquee.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to communicate is asking your audience to remember too many things.
Consider COVID-19 for instance. Which message do you think sticks better?
“In order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, it’s important that we come together as a community to meet the challenge of the moment. Luckily, the safe and effective COVID vaccines are available for free. If you’re not vaccinated yet, you can protect yourself and your loved ones by staying home when possible, washing your hands frequently, avoiding large gatherings, and wearing a mask. Even if you’re already vaccinated, wearing a mask and avoiding large indoor gatherings will protect you. Feel free to explore the outdoors mask-free, since the viral particles aren’t as likely to spread outside.”
Want to keep kids in school and safe from COVID?
1. Get vaccinated
2. Continue to wear masks indoors
3. Vaccinate your child as soon as possible
Watch out for slippery watermelons.
Picture each thing you want your audience to remember written in Sharpie, on a watermelon. Now rub that watermelon down with Vaseline, until it’s nice and slippery.
When you hand someone a slippery watermelon, there’s a good chance they’ll hold on to it (if they feel like they need to).
Hand them another, and they might start huffing and puffing. Most adults with a good grip can probably hold tight though.
Pile on a third slippery watermelon and just about anyone is now at capacity.
What do you think happens when you add a fourth?
BOOM. CRASH. SPLAT. – A vegan-friendly murder scene.
If you want people to remember your brand’s message, first ask yourself, “does this message convey how my brand helps people survive and thrive?”
If the answer is yes, then count your slippery watermelons and make sure you’re not asking your audience to hold too many – three tops.
Simplicity wins in a complicated world.